Thank you to all our partners for their generous contributions.
‘Hope Indonesia would like to send out our heartiest appreciation to Yayasan Gerobak Pintar for giving us this opportunity to continue to help the poor and the less privileged. With GP resources and Hope volunteers, let's continue to collaborate to bring Hope to those that are in need.’
RPTRA - a Public Safe Integrated Child Space which has eight PAUD (local Preschool) under them. Each PAUD has 100-120 students. Everyday volunteers from RPTRA, call one PAUD to their center and conduct activities with them. RPTRA also looks out for children who do not go to school, it is reported to Lurah. Pak Lurah in turn talks to the parents of the child and gets them enrolled in any of the 8 PAUD’s near their home.
Kinderland Preschools in Jakarta have partnered with Yayasan Gerobak Pintar since 2000. Kinderland is thankful to Yayasan Gerobak Pintar for giving us the opportunity to extend our community service towards the underpriviledged children.
Kinderland has donated gerobaks with books and puppets over the years to Yayasan Gerobak Pintar to enhance the love of reading and promote education.
In turn the Kinderland children, teachers and parents visit the Gerobak Pintar site to interact with the various communities. This builds empathy and they experience the joy of giving. Kinderland will continue to collaborate with Yayasan Gerobak Pintar to reach out to educate children in Jakarta.
"With gerobak Pintar, Students are more interested in reading books. Paud kasih Ibu also allowed students to borrow books to bring home and bring back to school in 3 days. With this pandemic, they are also still borrowing books to be read at home. They love reading books with pictures in it. Most students like story books. They love to tell stories to their little brother or sister at home. We hope that we will get more books with pictures and colors.I think with the Pandemic, books are effective ways to keep students learning at home"
Kepala Sekolah of PAUD Kasih Ibu